Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Burial Money

A man invited his friends from far & wide for his father's funeral, after lowering the coffin they put yams, rice, meat E.T.C, into the grave. A Hausa man who is used to their simple way of burying the dead, asked "why do you waste so much food item this hard times? The man smiled & said, ''according to our tradition the dead man is going on a long journey & therefore needs all the food items.

Looking for My wife

Akpos enters a church n finds the priest."How may I help you son?" asks the priest.

"Am looking for my wife, she said she would be here but as I can see she's not around. Now that am here, I would like to confess".

5 Years From Now

Interviewer: Where do u see urself in 5 yrs sir?..


Osobaifo was caught writing on the wall by the Headboy Authur, an offence punishable by 24 strokes then suspension. The Headboy took Osobaifo to the principal where he was having a meeting with teachers.

Pass Exam

Osobaifo came 1st in his class.