Tuesday, 22 May 2012

In The tree

A man wanted to end his life by hanging himself on a tree.

Bridge Anyone

A man walking along a California beach and came across a genie . The genie offered him one wish alone.
The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I want."

I Wear The Pants

Adamu was going to be married to Fatima
so his Father sat him down for a little chat.
He said, 'Adamu, let me tell you something.

Love me no more

Wife: You don't make love to me anymore

Doesn't Pay

A man went into the bar with his wife.

CSI Las Gidi (Photo Of The Day)

The Greek Gift

Zeus the Greek god was flying over Ancient Greece when he spotted a gorgeous woman naked washing herself.


A man went for HIV test in a hospital on friday and was told to come back on monday for the result...

Get Out

A pastor was praying for a man possessed with a demon.

Mama Chidi

Man told his wife he heard their next door neighbour had slept wit all the women in their compound,