Sunday, 27 May 2012

We are surrounded

Second Mate: "Sir, We're surrounded!"

School Ahead

Teacher: "Why are you late?"

Lady Please

Adele: "I set fire to the rain!"

The Birds Said

Dad: "A bird told me you are doing drugs."

Pre schoolers

A Sunday school teacher of preschoolers asked the students to learned one fact about Jesus by the following Sunday. The following week she asked each child in turn what he or she had learned.

What A story.

Do you know this?

A wife went on holiday leaving d husband behind. The husband got so was feeling frisky one day that he decided to try the maid who had just come from Nsukka Village and who seemed clever.

The Bus Ride

A man is sitting next to a woman who's trying to breast-feed her baby in a bus.

What do you have Left.

TEACHER: Akpos, wat is 4+4?

AKPOS: Aunty, I nor know.

Your Drink

Two guys, a Briton and an American were sitting together with one Hausa lady at a Bar in Abuja, and waiting to be served.